Tourist Information

Includes Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Essex, Hertfordshire, Norfolk, Suffolk.

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The spiritual heartland of England's famous painters, Constable and Gainsborough, this is not surprisingly a region of beautiful and romantic landscapes. Its heritage is reflected in the rich diversity of its cities and monuments: the Roman remains in St. Albans and Colchester and the historic cities of Peterborough and Cambridge, home of one of England's most famous universities. The whole region is dotted with magnificent cathedrals, churches and stately homes. The flat coastline offers charming villages and plenty of watersport activities. Cross county walks, amusement Parks, all add up to make East Anglia an interesting place for people of all ages.

Une région riche en héritage historique qui contient un grand nombre de monuments, cathédrales et de villes telle que Cambridge, célèbre pour son université. La côte offre beaucoup d'activités sportives et de jolis villages.

Eine Region mit einem reichhaltigen Angebot. Historische Denkmäler, Kathedralen und Städte, wie z.B. Cambridge mit der bekannten Universität finden sich hier. Die Küste läßt viele Wassersportmöglichkeiten zu und ist von malerischen Dörfern gesäumt.

Una región rica en patrimonio histórico con monumentos, castillos y ciudades tal como Cambridge con su famosa universidad. La costa ofrece deportes náuticos y pueblos muy bonitos.

Regione dal ricco passato storico, essa offre molti monumenti, cattedrali e città come Cambridge, famosa per la sua università. La zona costiera offre una grande varietà di sport acquatici e incantevoli paesini.

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