teach english as a foreign language (tefl / tesol) links, information, resources |
(in alphabetical order)
- BATQI - the British Association of TESOL Qualifying Institutions
Gerard Gilpin, 35 Barclay Square, Bristol BS8 1JA
Tel: 0117 928 7093 Fax: 0117 925 1537
Web: http://www.batqi.org
- The British Council
English Language Information Section
Medlock Street, Manchester, M15 4AA
Tel: 0161 957 7137 Fax: 0161 957 7168
Web: http://www.britcoun.org
- Department for Education and Employment (DfEE)
Mowden Hall, Darlington DL3 9BG
Tel: 01325 460155 Fax: 01325 392695
- EL Gazette
Dilke House, 1 Malet Street, London W1 7JA
Tel: 020 7255 1969 Fax: 020 7255 1972
Web: http://www.elgazette.com
UK based trade journal
- IATELF - International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language
3, Kingsdown Chambers, Kingsdown Park, Whitstable, Kent. CT5 2DJ
Tel: 01227 276528 Fax: 01227 274415
Web: http://www.iatefl.org
- NATECLA - National Association for Teaching English and other Community Languages to Adults
National Centre, South Birmingham College, 524 Stratford Road, Birmingham B11 4AJ
Tel: 0121 694 5000 Fax: 0121 694 5007
TIP: If you are looking for an English Language Teaching Job, visit our International Job Centre
- Central Bureau for Educational Visits & Exchanges
Seymour Mews, London W1H 9PE. Tel: 020 7389 4764 (England & Wales)
or 0131 447 8024 (Scotland) or 01232 664418 (Northern Ireland)
Organises the ‘English Language Assistants Programme’ which places British
assistants in schools and colleges overseas for one academic year to help with the
teaching of English. (Usually language students.)
- CfBT (Centre for British Teachers) Education Services
1, The Chambers, East Street, Reading RG1 4JD
Tel: 0118 952 3900 Fax: 0118 952 3939
Web: http://www.cfbt.com
Recruiters of qualified EFL teachers
- Christians Abroad
1 Stockwell Green, London SW9 9HP
Tel: 020 7737 7811 Fax: 020 77373237
Web: http://www.cabroad.org.uk
Offers advice about opportunities to work overseas for people of any faith.
- Council on International Educational Exchange
52 Poland Street, London W1V 4JQ
Tel: 020 7478 2000 Fax: 020 7734 7322
Web: http://www.ciee.org
Graduates (with or without a TEFL qualification) for teaching posts in China.
- The East European Partnership
Carlton House, 27A Carlton Drive, London SW15 2BS
Tel: 020 8780 2841 Fax: 020 8780 9592
Places selected graduate volunteers in Central & Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union.
- ELT Banbury
49, Oxford Road, Banbury, Oxfordshire. OX16 9AH
Tel: 01295 263480 Fax: 01295 271658
TEFL recruitment for Europe, Far and Middle East.
- English World-wide
The Italian Building, Dockhead, London SE1 2BS
Tel: 020 7252 1402 Fax: 020 72318002
EFL recruitment agency
- ILC Recruitment
White Rock, Hastings, East Sussex. TN43 1JY
Tel: 01424 720109 Fax: 01424 720323
Web: http://www.ilcgroup.com
Recruitment agency for the UK & overseas
- International House
106 Piccadilly, London W1V 9FL
Tel: 020 7491 2598 Fax: 020 7409 095
Web: http://www.ihlondon.com
Language school chain, with branches around the world.
- The Japan Exchange & Teaching (JET) Programme
The Council for International Exchange, 33, Seymour Place, London W1H 6AT
Tel: 020 7224 8896
Recruits English speakers to work as assistant teachers in Japanese schools.
- Linguarama
89, High Street, Alton, Hants. GU34 1LG
Tel: 01420 80899
Web: http://www.linguarama.com
Large chain of language schools often looking for teachers for Germany and Austria.
- Nova Group
Carrington House, 126-130 Regent Street, London W1R 5FE.
Tel: 020 7734 2727 Fax: 020 7734 3001
Web: http://www.nova-group.com
Runs over 270 language schools in Japan. Send CV and covering letter.
- The Project Trust
St. John Street, London EC1M 4AA
Tel: 020 7490 8764 Fax: 020 7490 8759
Educational charity placing 17-19 year olds in schools around the world.
- Saxoncourt Recruitment
59 South Molton Street, London. W1Y 1HH
Tel: 020 7499 8533 Fax: 020 7499 9374
Web: http://www.saxoncourt.com
Recruits EFL teachers for positions in Asia, Western/Eastern Europe, Latin American and the Middle East.
- VSO (Voluntary Service Overseas)
317, Putney Bridge Road, London, SW15 2PN
Tel: 020 8780 2266 Fax: 020 8780 1326
Web: http://www.vso.org.uk
Places nearly 2000 volunteers in developing countries around the world. Volunteers
only receive a local salary, but are provided with flights and accommodation.
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